Boa - Barquiña cleanup
Friday, may 12, 2023
14:30 h
Meeting point
Port of Testal
Before the cleanup
State of the area
Cantidades de lixo:
Vermello: Bastante
Amarelo: Algún
Azul: pouco
The map shows the amounts of trash detected in the cleaning area
Cleanup sectors
The area of action extends from Boa Grande Beach to the Barquiña (Noia) jetty. It is divided into 9 zones (A, B, Classification, D, E, F, G, H and I) (See map). The waste classification area will be set up in Testal on the esplanade between the rowing club and the viaduct.
Each zone has a group of participants associated with the corresponding coordinators.
Roll call is held at 2:30 p.m. at the meeting point on the esplanade between the rowing club and the viaduct, and from here a few will walk to the cleaning areas (groups E and F), and the rest they will have to go by car. The classification place is on the esplanade between the rowing club and the viaduct; At the end of the cleaning of our zone, we will go to this point, to help in the classification and sign the attendance report.
IMPORTANT: Everyone must sign the attendance form before leaving, in order to justify their participation; A copy will be provided as proof. The minimum working hours is 4 hours.
Required material
- 2 small bags
- work gloves
- Guild’s surveillance vest
- suitable clothing/footwear (zones H and I have canes that will be wet)
- protective glasses (as far as possibl; only in sections H and I where there are canes)
- razor sharp for cutting tangled ropes
- bucket
- Small sack to dig up waste.
Waste to collect
- 2 small bags
- work gloves
- Guild’s surveillance vest
- suitable clothing/footwear (zones H and I have canes that will be wet)
- protective glasses (as far as possibl; only in sections H and I where there are canes)
- razor sharp for cutting tangled ropes
- bucket
- Small sack to dig up waste.
Storage points
- Boa Grande (road).
- Boa Chica (pavemented access).
- Testal boardwalk.
- Testal (beheind the dunes – boardwalk).
- Red Cross.
- Grill bar nexto to Noia boardwalk.
- Under the viaduct.
- Port of A Barquiña (Noia).
Distribution of groups
Groups are distributed at the meeting point. At least one coordinator will go with each group. (P= people)
A: 25 P Boa Grande Beach.
B: 15 P Boa Chica Beach all the way until the 2nd “Shelfishing Forbidden””sign.
D: 15 P From the “Shelfishing Forbidden””sign to Testa boardwalk.
E: 25 P West Testal (beach and reedbed, from the boardwalk to the port).
F: 25 P East Testal
G: 20 P Obre (from Red Cross).
H: 25 P Abruñeiras.
I: 25 P Barquiña Beach.
Clasificación: 7 P On the esplanade between the rowing club and the viaduct.
Things to take into account
- Attention to unknown liquids. Do not pour!
- Bulky, transport without putting them in bags.
- We also collect small pieces of plastic (there are many), as they are the first ones to enter the food chain and can end up affecting the seafood.
The cleanup
Waste removed:
2.276 Kg
77.941 objects
669 objects
225 kg
63.833 objects
636 kg
3.846 objects
100 kg
7.947 objects
115 kg
Glass & ceramics
171 objects
280 kg
1.475 objects
920 kg
Project supervisor:
Liliana Solís Pais