O Freixo - Esteiro cleanup
Friday, may 05, 2023
08:30 h
Meeting point
Next to the fish market in O Freixo
Before the cleanup
State of the area
Cantidades de lixo:
Vermello: Bastante
Amarelo: Algún
Azul: pouco
The map shows the amounts of trash detected in the cleaning area
Cleanup sectors
The area of action extends from O Freixo to Esteiro. It is divided into 11 zones (A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and Classification) (See map of cleaning zones). The waste classification area was set up next to the fish market building in O Freixo.
Each zone has a group of participants associated with the corresponding coordinators.
Get ready at 08:30 a.m. at the meeting point. From here groups A, B and D will walk to the different cleaning areas. The rest of the goups will go by car. Since the parking area is limited, sharing cars is strongly recommended. At the end of the cleanup, we will return to the classification area to help and to sign the attendance report as it will be needed to justify our participation in the cleanup.
Required material
- 2 small bags
- work gloves
- Guild’s surveillance vest
- suitable clothing/footwear (zones H and I have canes that will be wet)
- protective glasses (as far as possibl; only in sections H and I where there are canes)
- razor sharp for cutting tangled ropes
- bucket
- Small sack to dig up waste.
Waste to collect
- Plastics (big, small and tiny!)
- rubber
- glass
- porcelain
- tiles
- Metal
- textiles
- Treated/painted wood (pallets, boat parts, etc.)
- Organic waste
- Construction debris
Storage points
- Entrance of Playa Picouso.
- Middle of the boardwalk (there’s an entrance for vahicles).
- Next to Mariscos Ramais.
- Next to the old concession (there’s an entrance for vahicles).
- Hatchery’s road.
- Detour to the beach.
- Parameán beach.
- Esteiro beach parking.
- Road to the fish market of Esteiro.
Distribution of Groups
Se distribuyen en el punto de encuentro. Con cada grupo irá un coordinador como mínimo. (P= persoas)
A: 15 P Playa Picouso.
B: 25 P Lonja de O Freixo – nave Mariscos Ramais.
D: 15 P Nave mariscos Ramais – antes del muro del aserradero.
E: 25 P Playa de Cotarín y entorno (criadero).
F: 10 P Playa de Arnela.
G: 15 P Playa de Porto de Boix y entorno (isla de la Creba).
H: 40 P Playa Parameán (ensenada de Esteiro).
I: 20 P Playa de Esteiro (ensenada de Esteiro).
J: 30 P Bancos de Esteiro I.
J: 45 P Bancos de Esteiro II.
Clasificación: 10 P En O Freixo, junto al edificio de la lonja.
Things to take into account
- Attention to unknown liquids. Do not pour!
- Bulky, transport without putting them in bags.
- We also collect small pieces of plastic (there are many), as they are the first ones to enter the food chain and can end up affecting the seafood.
- NEVER PUT IN A BAG MIXED WITH OTHER GARBAGE the syringes we may find. We’ll take them to the group coordinator
The cleanup
People tha took part:
Removed waste:
3.430 Kg
53.443 objects
467 objects
150 kg
41.412 objects
920 kg
508 objects
150 kg
10.681 objects
95 kg
Glass & ceramics
95 objects
450 kg
280 objects
1.665 kg
Project supervisor:
Liliana Solís Pais