Seilán - A Barquiña cleanup


Monday, october 3, 2022


15:00 h

Meeting point

Hospital de Seilán (Outes)

Before the cleanup

State of the area

Waste ammount:

Red: High

Yellow: medium

Blue: low

The map shows the amounts of trash detected in the cleaning area.

Cleanup sectors


The action area extends upriver, from A Barquiñato the Seilán viaduct. It is divided into 10 zones (A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and Classification) (See map). The two waste classification areas will be set up in the parking lot of the old hospital in Seilán (not the same place as the previous cleanups in the area). Sections F, G, H and I require traveling by car after roll call.
Each zone has a group of participants associated with the corresponding coordinators.
Roll call at 3:00 p.m. at the meeting point of  Seilan Hospital; at the end of the cleaning we return to this point to help with the classification. After roll call, those who work in sections F, G, H and I will depart by car to the area.

Required material

  • 2 small bags
  • work gloves
  • Guild’s surveillance vest
  • suitable clothing/footwear (zones H and I have canes that will be wet)
  • protective glasses  (as far as possibl; only in sections H and I where there are canes)
  • razor sharp for cutting tangled ropes
  • bucket

Waste to collect

  • Plastics (big, small and tiny!)
  • rubber
  • glass
  • porcelain
  • tiles
  • Metal
  • textiles
  • Treated/painted wood (pallets, boat parts, etc.)
We won’t collect:
  • Organic waste
  • Construction debris

Storage points

  1. Under Seilán bridge.
  2. Punta Paralada (illa Perejil).
  3. Punta Paralada access.
  4. Esplanada herbosa (Barquiña section 2)
  5. Pier

Groups Distribution

The groups are distributed at the meeting point. At least one coordinator will go with each group.

J: 20 people. Ponte de Seilán,  Outes shore

A: 35 people. Ponte de Seilán,  Noia shore

B: 25 people. Intermediate Punta Peón – Ponte de Seilán

D: 30 people. Before Punta Peón

E: 30 people. Punta Peón

F: 20 people. Intermediate Punta Paralada – Punta Peón

G: 20 people. Punta Paralada

H: 30 people. Barquiña section

I: 30 people. Barquiña section 2 (from dock, upstream)

Classification: 7 people. Classification at the Seilán hospital parking lot.

Things to take into account

  • Attention to unknown liquids. Do not pour!
  • Bulky, transport without putting them in bags.
  • We also collect small pieces of plastic (there are many), as they are the first ones to enter the food chain and can end up affecting the seafood.

The cleanup


People tha took part: